There were 11 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
View / Comment entries in May 2024

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Red Riding Hood
Simone Osborne – Merit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

Difficult Entry
Rosie Steggles – Merit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

The Surfer
Cushla Monk – Merit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

Water Spirits
Grant Galbraith – Merit – Set Subject
Monochrome Digital – Set Subject

Lighthouse Tempest
Timothy Moon – Credit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

Tracey Squire – Credit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

Time Flies
Sara Corlis – Credit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

Flamenco Swirl
Fujiko Watt – Credit – Set Subject
Colour Digital – Set Subject

Hit me with your best shot
Terry Daley – Credit – Set Subject
Monochrome Digital – Open

Bombo Bride
Phil Cargill – Credit – Set Subject
Monochrome Digital – Set Subject

Alone in NZ
Graeme Robinson – Credit – Set Subject
Monochrome Digital – Set Subject